Quelle: [[https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/91711]] #!/bin/bash #allow a dyndns name HOSTNAME=HOST_NAME_HERE LOGFILE=LOGFILE_NAME_HERE PORT=22 Current_IP=$(dig +short $HOSTNAME) if [ ! -f $LOGFILE ] ; then ufw allow from $Current_IP proto tcp to any port $PORT echo $Current_IP > $LOGFILE else Old_IP=$(cat $LOGFILE) if [ "$Current_IP" = "$Old_IP" ] ; then echo IP address has not changed else ufw delete allow from $Old_IP proto tcp to any port $PORT ufw allow from $Current_IP proto tcp to any port $PORT echo $Current_IP > $LOGFILE echo ufw have been updated fi fi source: Using UFW with Dynamic IP hostnames like dyndns.org With this script saved you could create a crontab entry like so in the file /etc/crontab: */5 * * * * root /etc/ufw_update.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 This entry would then run the script every 5 minutes, checking to see if the IP address assigned to the hostname has changed. If so then it will create a new rule allowing it, while deleting the old rule for the old IP address.